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How to use KoshOnline

This article provides an overview of how to use the platform as a community member in search of a business.

What Is #

KoshOnline is a community business directory and online blog that makes it easy to build and host an extensive business page. Our pages includes a beautiful gallery, a custom menu scroll bar, contact form, media, advance commenting and reviews, and much much more. At the same time, makes it easy for the public to find what they are looking for.

Listings: #

Our main Listings page is randomized according to an algorithm. That means you will never see the same listings when visiting the page. This keeps our platform fair and allows our users to see a wide variety of Kosh businesses over time.

-Filters: #

Our filters allow you to easily find what you are looking for. Simply Search a business, or choose a listing category and/or location. Or, simply browse our beautiful listings to find interesting products and services across the area.

Listings/Business Page: #

Once you find a business of your liking, you can visit their page where you will find all their info, including GPs directions for your convenience. We also list many businesses, especially those with lesser means, free of charge. In these cases, you will only find their Business Name, location, directions, and their website, should it be publicly available. Furthermore, the media accompanying free listings is strictly for Demo purposes.

Blog: #

We have a vibrant blog that includes ONLY lifestyle, business and wellness type of material. We are not a news outlet. We strictly publish for inspiration, with a focus on the youth and young entrepreneurs.

Media Feed: #

Our media feed is a great way of keeping track with the world out there. It is connected to major publications and updated daily. We are not affiliated with any of the publications in our feed. The feed is purely for the benefit of our readers. The articles in the feed is not moderated by us, and as a guest, subscriber or customer you should be at least 18 to use it.

Social Media: #

We manage the three most popular social media channels, including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Our channels are mainly aimed to inspire.

How to Contact Us: #

To contact us for any general queries, please use our contact page available across our site. Or, write to us at [email protected]

Help/Support/Knowledge Base: #

For more Help articles like this, please visitor our full knowledge base.

Add Listing: #

To Add a listing, you first need to sign up for a free account, and then click on “Add Listing.” This will re-direct you to our packages and from there you can start to build your listing. Thank you.

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