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How Does SEO benefit my Business Page

This article aims to provide an overview of what SEO is, why it is important, and how search engines like Google functions. This article is not a definitive guide to every aspect of SEO — search engine optimization as SEO is a vast subject that cannot be fully covered in a single article.

Tip: Your business’s online presence should always be SEO friendly as this will earn you better ranking for your category, or search terms, and more clickable to potential visitors who are searching for similar companies.

Definition of SEO #

SEO is the art and science of persuading search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo, to recommend your content to their users as the best solution to their problem or search query. 

Here are some of the most basic SEO goals:

  1. Ensure that search engines understand who you are and what you offer.
  2. Convince search engines that you are the most credible option for their users/searchers.
  3. Make your content deliverable and easily accessible.

How high in the rankings and how often your business will appear is merit-based; these search engines will show the results they consider to be the best fit for their users. This merit is often directly associated with the amount of traffic your website/page generates, how long visitors stick around (bounce-rate), and even how fast your page load, though speed is not the number one determining factor. SEO: #

At koshonline we employ top of the range SEO software, that are frequently updated. Our staff also physically access your listing to check and setup all the necessary features for your listing to display correctly and be more “findable” by people who use Google to search.

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