- Overview:
- Submit Listing:
- Listing Type (Main Category):
- Logo:
- Business Name (Listing Title).
- Business Description:
- Business Intro/Mission Statement:
- Listing Category:
- Listing Tags:
- Address & Location:
- Contact Information:
- Listing Media:
- Business Features/Amenities/Facilities:
- Business Short Facts:
- Frequently asked questions (FAQs):
- Employee & Business Owner:
- Products and Services Catalog PDF Download:
- Coupon:
- Sales Banner:
- Events:
- Business Hours:
- Social Media:
- Save Your Listing As Pending:
This article describes how to create, edit and manage your business listing for optimal results.
Overview: #
First things first. In order to submit a listing you have to be the owner of a legitimate business or service. After submitting your listing, our team conducts a quick review. In rare cases where we decline your business according to our community standards, a full refund will be made to your account.
That brings us to the second requirement. In order to submit a listing to our platform, you will need one of our affordable monthly pay-as-you go packages. Once you sign up, you will be directed to your Account Dashboard. From your Dashboard you can buy a package, by clicking on one of the provided links. After easy checkout you can return to your Dashboard, or use any of the “Add Listing” links to start building your business page.
Submit Listing: #
This section explains how to create and edit your business page from your Account Dashboard, also known as your “back-end” (not visible to the public).
Listing Type (Main Category): #
After you paid for your preferred listing package, click on “Add Listing” from any of the provided links. This will direct you to a listing submit form. First, you will need to select a main category for your business, for example, Eat & Drink will represent Restaurants, Fast Food Restaurants, Coffee Shops, etc.
After selecting your main category, you will be presented with a large amount of options for creating your listing. Some listing features will only show if you bought an Extended or Professional package.
Logo: #
This is your business logo and will display in various sections of your listing across our platform. The preferred image size for your logo is 500px by 500px. If you want your logo to display with a transparent background, it will need to be .png image with a transparent background (500px by 500px).
Business Name (Listing Title). #
The name of your business needs to be accurate for better search results.
Business Description: #
The business description should be used to describe your business and services to your visitors. Some businesses also use this area to list their services. Feel free to get creative, though, we recommend not exceeding approx. 1000 characters to keep your listing mobile friendly.
Business Intro/Mission Statement: #
The Intro displays on your small listing card across listing results. Use it to introduce your business and entice visitors to click on your card.
Listing Category: #
Select your business category from the dropdown menu. If you don’t see your category, then it is because you selected the wrong listing type/main category at the start of the submit page. For example, “Active Life” listing type will have categories such as gyms, sports services, etc. To show up in search results, it’s important to select the correct categories.
Listing Tags: #
Write three (3) tags that best describes your business. Separate the tags with a comma or by hitting enter on the keyboard.
Address & Location: #
This is one of the more important sections of your listing. Even though we provide the option to auto locate your location, rather write it in the field yourself and make sure it is accurate. Also, take careful note about your Longitude and Latitude. Make sure they are accurate as this is how visitors will receive gps directions to your business premises.
Contact Information: #
Please enter your accurate contact information. We also include your WhatsApp number if available. If you don’t have a website, feel free to use your facebook page link.
Listing Media: #
The most important factor to keep in mind when uploading your images are image sizes. Here are a quick image size guide for best results:
Featured Image: Shows up in search results and represents your listing, and the recommended size is approx. 1450px by 1450px.
Header Image: This is a large image that shows up at the top of your listing. It’s designed to span across the visitors screen. The recommended size is approx. 1950px by 1000px.
Gallery Images: These 5 images are displayed in your listing gallery. The recommended size is approx. 1450px by 1450px.
Business Video: This section works by entering your YouTube or Vimeo link. Therefore, you first need to upload your video to one of those platform and the copying the shareable link. You can also add a cover image for your video if so desired. Please note that adding a cover image will change the layout of your video section.
Business Features/Amenities/Facilities: #
Select the features that your business premises offers to its customers. If you don’t see your feature in the options, please let us know and we might add them.
Business Short Facts: #
First click on “Add Fact.” This will open three input fields which you can use to create some short facts for your business. Owners normally use this section to display “Awards Won,” “Happy Customers,” “Years in Service,” etc. Facts are created as follow:
- Fact Title: Write the title of your fact, for example: “Awards Won”
- Fact Number: The number that relates to your short fact, for example: 3
- Fact Icon: Icons are set using the the fontawsome library. Each icon is represented by a unique code, for example: “fas fa-award” will display an award icon on your short fact. To find more icons, visit fontawsome website, copy the code for your icon, and enter that code into this field.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs): #
Inform your visitors and potential clients about the most import questions and answers surrounding your business or service. Another popular way to use this section, is to list three of your top services. For example, a gym might write “CrossFit” as the question, and then elaborate on the CrossFit service in the answer section. To start creating your FAQ, click on “Add FAQ.” Once again, do not link to “bad” sites as it can get you banned, and remember to keep it short and mobile friendly as most of your visitors will come from there.
Employee & Business Owner: #
Display you company structure or simply show off your top management. To add an employee profile, click on “Add Member.” This will open 6 input field used to create a employee profile that will display on your business listing. The fields are as follow:
- Name: Name of the employee.
- Job/Position: The positions held by the employee.
- Description: The job description, or a sort message from the employee. Please keep it short and mobile friendly.
- Website: A link to a personal website.
- Employee Image: Profile image of employee.
- Social Media: Links to social media pages of the employee.
Products and Services Catalog PDF Download: #
If you have a catalog with your products and services you can upload it here (PDF) and your visitors will be able to download the pdf file onto their device. This is a sure fire way to drop all your products, services, pricing, imagery etc. right into your potential customer’s pocket. Note that your file can not exceed 6mb.
Coupon: #
Coupons display on your listing with, together with a countdown timer. To add a coupon, click on “Add Coupon.” This will open 6 input fields used to create a coupon:
- Coupon Code: The code that is used by your customers to claim your discount on offer.
- Discount Type: Choose between a “percentage” discount or a “fixed amount” discount.
- Description: Describe very shortly what the discount is applicable to.
- Discount amount: The amount of discount on offer.
- Quantity: Number of item available before the coupon expires.
- Coupon Expiry Date: Select the date when your discount on offer expires. this controls the countdown timer.
Sales Banner: #
This feature adds a sale banner to your listing card. This informs the visitor in the search results that you have items on sale. Simply enter the amount into the open field.
Events: #
Hosting an event? Simply enter the start end end date into the applicable fields.
Business Hours: #
Our platform uses your business hours to display a “open” or “closed” banner on your listing. It can also influence search results, and therefore needs to be accurate. To create business hours,
- First select the day of the week, for example, Monday.
- Next, select either [Closed All Day], [Open All Day], or “Enter Hours”
- To enter your custom hours, simply click on “Add Hours” and enter the hours for the selected day.
- Repeat for every individual day of the week.
Social Media: #
Add your social media platform pages so your visitors can easily find and follow you. To add a social media link:
- Click on “Add Social”
- Select the preferred platform from the dropdown menu.
- Enter the link to your social page.
Save Your Listing As Pending: #
Once you are done and happy with your business page, you can decide to publish or save as pending. Saving your listing as pending allows you to return later and edit it further, without displaying on the front-end of koshonline. Publishing or Submitting your listing will send it to koshonline for review and Publishing after it will be live.
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