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Comments & Reviews

This article describes how to use the commenting system as a community member. It includes some do’s and don’ts, and what our advertisers’ rights are concerning the comments section on their business page.

Tip 1: Comments are a great feature that’s designed to benefit both the customer and the business. When utilized in a fair manner it not only constitutes positive business growth but also better customer satisfaction.

Tip 2: There is a difference between constructive criticism and hurtful attacks. Let’s consider one another.

The comment section is a great way of letting your favorite businesses know you enjoyed their service. To leave a comment you have to be a subscriber to a free account. From there you can review businesses and also mange your reviews from your Account Dashboard.

Important to know is that you are not allowed to review a business with whom you did not have an actual interaction with, and an actual transaction took place. You are also not allowed to leave a review if you have any personal or financial interest with the applicable business.

In certain cases, such as mentioned above, we will remove your reviews. Our commitment is to keep a fair and constructive eco-system that benefits all. Please see our full review policy.

Furthermore, our listing owners have the ability to moderate their own comments.

As an added advantage, our pages includes reactions such as likes and dislikes, and general ratings in case a user does not want to leave a personal review.

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