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Musk says Starlink active in Ukraine as Russian invasion disrupts internet

SpaceX billionaire Elon Musk said on Saturday that the company’s Starlink satellite broadband service is available in Ukraine and SpaceX is sending more terminals to the country, whose internet has been disrupted due to the Russian invasion. “Starlink service is now active in Ukraine. More terminals en route,” Musk tweeted. He was responding to a …

Canon names their new VR platform – Kokomo

If you thought the Metaverse is simply some far-of dream then think again, because most technology companies have already boarded the train. Meet Kokomo – not the city though. Last week, Canon U.S.A., the international camera company, announced that they’re developing a new immersive virtual reality experience designed to “change human communication,” according to a …

Microsoft starts rolling out Windows 11 to more PCs

Microsoft is rolling out Windows 11 to more PCs this week. After an initial launch to mostly new PCs earlier this month, Microsoft is gradually making the free Windows 11 upgrade available to more existing and eligible devices. “The availability of Windows 11 has been increased and we are leveraging our latest generation machine learning …

7 trending Gadgets for the obsessively clean

Hygiene may be among the least controversial topics that no one wants to talk about. I mean, it’s generally assumed right? You could be of any geographic origin, any age or gender, Republican or Democrat, Rugby or Football fan – we are all in favor of staying clean. And yet, it’s not the most talked …

Amazon opens first mini department store outside the US selling gadgets, toys and kitchenware

Amazon is opening its first UK mini department store today, as the online retail giant continues its retail expansion. The UK’s first Amazon 4-star store, which only sells products rated four stars or above on its website, will open at 10am on Wednesday at the Bluewater shopping center, near Dartford in Kent. The conglomerate launched …


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