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The Best Breakfast Combinations for Faster Weight Loss, according to Dietitians.

While eating breakfast every morning isn’t really “essential” to lose weight, it has been proven to help – especially when you do some research on the perfect morning meal for your situation. Studies have shown that protein-rich breakfasts stimulate satiety hormones more than breakfasts with the same calories, but higher in either fat or carbohydrates. These …

Known cosmetics retailer disconnecting its social media over mental health concerns

British retailer Lush Cosmetics announced on Monday that it is deactivating its Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Snapchat accounts in a bid to draw attention to how those platforms are damaging people’s mental health. The brand’s global presence across these social media platforms will remain deactivated until the platforms take action to provide a safer environment …

Drake and Kanye to give L.A. benefit concert together

The “Drake-Kanye feud” has stood out over time as one of the most numbingly dull feuds of modern rap. A overblown group text drama inflated to national attention by the two men involved. Regardless, the two artists have announced that they’ll be performing together at a benefit concert on behalf of incarcerated Chicago gang-leader Larry …

Do long trips to outer space cause brain damage?

This is an Inside Science story. For many years, scientists have published research suggesting that people’s brains change after spending longer than a few months in space. These studies started because astronauts experienced issues like vision problems and swollen optic nerves upon returning to Earth after long missions. Researchers are now wondering whether these extended …


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